Several translations of the PRISMA publications and documents are available. These have been translated by kind volunteers and are freely available below.

If you are interested in translating a PRISMA publication or document, please read the PRISMA Translations Policy.

PRISMA 2020 translations

Bulgarian: Checklist

Chinese (Simplified): Checklist | Abstracts Checklist

Chinese (Traditional): Checklist | Abstracts Checklist | Flow Diagram

Croatian: Statement paper

French (Canadian): Checklist | Flow Diagram v1 | Flow Diagram v2 | Flow Diagram v3 | Flow Diagram v4

French (France): Checklist | Flow Diagram v1 | Flow Diagram v2 | Flow Diagram v3 | Flow Diagram v4

Greek: Checklist | Flow diagram | Statement paper

Italian: Statement paper

Japanese: Checklist | Abstracts Checklist | Flow Diagram | Statement paper

Korean: Checklist | Expanded Checklist | Abstracts Checklist | Flow Diagram v1 | Flow Diagram v2 | Flow Diagram v3 | Flow Diagram v4

Portuguese (Brazilian): Statement paper

Portuguese (European): Checklist | Abstracts Checklist | Flow Diagram

Spanish: Statement paper

Turkish: Checklist | Abstracts Checklist

PRISMA-NMA translations

Spanish: Statement paper

PRISMA-Search translations

Japanese: Statement paper